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A Blue Sapphire Luxury Precious Gemstone.

Sapphire: The September Birthstone – Symbolism and Brilliance

September 9, 2023

Since ancient times, people have been captivated by the allure of sapphires, the brilliant birthstones of September. The term “sappheiros,” from which the word “Sapphire” originates, was used in ancient Greek. Sapphires come in a variety of stunning colours. The most abundant and widely accessible variety is the enchanting blue sapphire, often referred to as one of the “Big 3” gemstones. The other gemstones that fall under this category are rubies and emeralds. Among all the coloured gemstones, blue sapphires, in particular, have gained the highest esteem. Let us explore this extraordinary gem’s captivating history and global origins in this blog.

Sapphires: Gems of Divine Significance and Mystical Beliefs

Sapphires held a special place among monarchs and high priests due to their association with divine favour. The British Crown Jewels prominently display numerous large blue sapphires, representing the virtue and wisdom of kings. In antiquity, the Greeks and Romans believed that sapphires provided protection against envy and harm.

During the Middle Ages, clerics used sapphires in various ornaments as a symbol of Heaven. According to Persian mythology, the Earth sat atop a giant sapphire, which imparted its blue hue to the sky. Beyond their symbolic significance, sapphires were also believed to possess medicinal properties, with medieval Europeans even considering them as potential antidotes to poison.

Diverse World of Sapphires – Colors, Hardness, and Popularity

Sapphire and Ruby both belong to the mineral corundum. Red corundum is the Ruby, and all other coloured variations, including colourless or white sapphire in trade terminology, are classified as sapphires. Blue sapphires are the most renowned, often referred to simply as “sapphires” when primarily blue. However, sapphires come in a variety of hues, such as “purple sapphire” or “green sapphire.”

Sapphires can exhibit numerous colours, including pink, yellow, orange, green, black, purple, violet, and light blue. An exceptionally rare colour is the orange-pink “Padparadscha” sapphire. Sapphires that aren’t blue are often referred to as “natural fancy-coloured sapphires,” with deeper hues attributed to higher oxide concentrations and red or pink tones due to chromium levels.

Sapphire is highly prized for its stunning colours and exceptional durability, with a Mohs hardness rating 9. Additionally, sapphire has a specific gravity of 4, a refractive index ranging from 1.76 to 1.78, and a birefringence of 0.008. Birefringence measures how much a mineral bends light rays, and the difference between its minimum and maximum refractive indices enhances sapphire’s distinctive qualities.

The exceptional durability of Sapphire makes it an optimal choice for rings and other pieces worn daily. Its robust nature allows for versatile use in various types of jewellery, including the enduring elegance of engagement rings. Whether you prefer shopping online or at a physical boutique, a diverse range of Sapphire adornments awaits you — from necklaces and earrings to bracelets, rings, and pendants. Sapphire, renowned for its enduring appeal, is readily available in a spectrum of sizes and accommodates a wide array of price points. Blue Sapphire holds immense popularity, outpacing all other coloured gemstones in jewellery sales.

At Khwaahish, we proudly showcase an extensive collection of Sapphire Gemstones. Our Sapphire-laden jewels quickly help elevate your elegance and infuse a dash of love into your journey.

Buyer’s Guide to Sapphire Jewelry – Clarity, Cuts, Treatments, and Care

The finest Sapphire are known for their “eye-clean” clarity, signifying flawless transparency without any visible internal impurities or fractures. On the other hand, some sapphires exhibit “colour zoning” patterns, which manifest as striped or uneven colour distribution. Excessive and distracting zoning is considered a flaw that can diminish the overall value of the gem.

For those seeking trendy pieces, round and oval brilliant Sapphire cuts are the best choice. These shapes display beautiful sparkling patterns and complement a wide range of aesthetics. For this reason, they remain popular among jewellery designers and buyers. It’s essential to note that sapphires often undergo treatments to enhance their clarity or colour. Treatment using heat is a common and widely accepted practice that produces lasting improvements. However, less common methods, such as fracture filling, dyeing, and lattice diffusion, may need extra care while handling. Hence, it’s crucial to enquire about any treatments a sapphire may have undergone before making a purchase.

Whenever you clean Sapphire jewellery, you should use warm, soapy water. Stones that are not treated, diffusion-treated, or heat-treated can be cleaned with ultrasonics or steam cleaners. However, for gemstones with fractures, damp cloths are preferable to avoid damage.


Sapphire, the birthstone for September, is a timeless gem known for its enduring beauty and durability. Its extensive history, diverse spectrum of colours, and symbolic significance make it a timeless choice for jewellery. Whether you opt for the classic blue Sapphire or one of its fancier-hued counterparts, Sapphire jewellery adds an exquisite touch to any outfit. Embrace the enduring appeal of this cherished gem with Khwaahish, the best diamond jeweller in Chennai! Get in touch with us today to explore the wide range of Sapphire jewels waiting to be discovered by you!

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